Shaanxi (China) Chuangling Technology has been focusing on small programs, software, APP, enterprise management system, official website building, and Tiktok small program development for many years. Our company has done a good job in every software, and
Introduction to the Mini Program System for Second-hand Car Sales Platform
为了满足广大消费者对便捷、高效二手车交易服务的需求,我们推出了一款基于ThinkPHP+FastAdmin开发的原生微信小程序二手车管理系统。这款系统不仅具备强大的功能性和用户体验,还支持二次开发和私有化部署,是专为二手车行业量身打造的系统。它不仅贴合工作场景,提高了交易效率,还降低了运营成本。To meet the needs of consumers for convenient and ef... -
Introduction to the Same-City Delivery Mini-Program System (UniApp)
在当今快节奏的生活中,同城跑腿服务已成为解决日常琐事的重要工具。为了满足市场对高效、便捷跑腿服务的需求,我们基于ThinkPHP和Uniapp开发了一款功能强大的同城跑腿系统。In today's fast-paced life, same-city delivery services have become an important tool for solving daily triv... -
Smart Community and Property Fee Payment Management System (UniApp)
该小程序(智慧小区、物业缴费管理系统)是基于PHP+UniApp开发的小程序,前端包含小区物业缴费、房产管理、在线报修、业主活动报名、在线商城、通知公告、投诉建议、家政服务等功能,除此之外,后端还包括:财务、会员、商城、账单、物业服务、户主等等管理功能。This mini-program (Smart Community and Property Fee Payment Management Sy... -
Introduction to the [Adaptive PC+H5] Website System for Education and Training Institutions
在当今数字化时代,拥有一个专业且功能强大的网站对于早教教育网站、教育培训机构等企业至关重要。为了满足这些机构的需求,创灵科技推出了基于PbootCMS内核开发的网站模板。这款模板不仅适用于教育、教培行业,还能通过简单的文字图片替换,应用于其他行业,实现多功能、多场景的网站搭建。In today's digital era, possessing a professional and pow... -
[Adaptive PC+H5] Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine Pavilion & Traditional Medicine Culture Website System
在当今数字化时代,中医药作为中华民族的瑰宝,正以前所未有的姿态拥抱互联网,以更加便捷、高效的方式传播其深厚的文化底蕴与独特的健康理念。为此,我们精心打造了一款基于PbootCMS内核开发的中药馆、传统医药文化网站系统模板,旨在为中医行业及热爱传统文化的企业提供一个集展示、交流、销售于一体的全方位数字平台。In today's digital era, Traditional Chinese... -
Introduction to the Adaptive [PC+H5] Website System for Housekeeping, Nursing Training Schools, and Corporate Websites
This is a [Responsive PC+H5] template for housekeeping, nursing training schools, and corporate website systems developed based on the PbootCMS core. This template is not only perfectly suited for educational service enterprises such as -
Enterprise Smart Training & Exam Cloud Platform (Mini Program + H5)
This enterprise training and exam system is developed based on the FastAdmin framework and Uniapp technology stack. It aims to provide enterprises with an efficient, convenient, and multi-functional online learning and assessment solution, encompassing co -
【APP+H5】Overview of the On-demand Appointment Service Software System for Foot Massage, Massage, and Maintenance Services
I. IntroductionIn today's fast-paced society, with the increasing demand for convenience among consumers, on-demand appointment services have become increasingly popular. To meet this market deman... -
(APP+H5+Mini Program) Same-city Delivery, Community Group-buying Mall System
Our same-city delivery and community group-buying mall system is a comprehensive solution based on the Fastadmin backend management system and Uniapp client (supporting APP, H5, and Mini Programs). This system is tailored for the fresh fruit and vegetable -
[Self-adaptive PC + H5] Advertising Planning Company Brand Design Website
一、网站概述Website Overview本广告策划公司品牌设计网站模板是一个专为广告策划、品牌设计等企业量身打造的网站解决方案。该网站不仅具备PC端的精美展示效果,还完美支持H5移动端访问,为用户提供极致的浏览体验。网站采用先进的开发技术和设计理念,旨在帮助广告策划公司更好地展示自身实力,吸引潜在客户,提升品牌影响力。This advertising planning and brand de... -
【 Mini Program 】 Real estate agency, property listing, and appointment viewing mini program
【 Mini Program 】 Overview of Real Estate Intermediary, Listing Publishing, and Booking and Viewing Mini Program System1、 System OverviewThis real estate agency, property publishing, and appointment vi... -
[Adaptive PC+H5] Network and design company website documentation
[Adaptive PC+H5] Network and design company website documentation1、 Website OverviewThe website template for this network and design company is an adaptive PC+H5 website that provides online marketing... -
标题Adaptive PC+H5 Automotive Driving School Website Case Driver License Training Website
描述 The driving school website case driving license training website is an adaptive PC+H5 website that provides used car sales and rental services. This website is developed using the PbootCMS kernel and is suitable for enterprises such as desserts and pa